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VHF Radio

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 12:22 pm
by Mark Sutherland
I've been having transmission issues with my VHF radio for the past few months and, at the advice of my local electronics tech, I just had my VHF antenna and coax cable replaced. While on the boat last week, I confirmed successful short range transmission from my boat to my hand held VHF unit which was about a half mile away. However, while sitting at my Nav table with my stationary VHF unit mic in one hand, and the hand held unit in the other hand, I was able to hear 2 or 3 weather channels on the hand held unit that I could not hear on my stationary unit (I could hear 2 or 3 weather channels on the stationary unit but not as many as on my hand held unit). Is there a logical explanation for this, or is this an indication that there is still an issue with my radio?